Bangkok Diaries

Photo by Your City Promdi
So many things to do in Bangkok, so here's a compilation of all that I have done in this city of thriving lights and bejeweled palaces.


There was a lot to see from the boat. Looking back now, I should have expected it--this was the river from whose banks Bangkok grew from. This was where the life of a lot of Thais centered a few hundred years back.


While Western flower arrangements often take the whole flower and leaves to be designed into shape, Thai flower craft takes petals and individual flowers, painstakingly and delicately re-configuring them into something completely new. 


The food here is so good, you can do nothing but eat in Bangkok and call it an excellent travel experience. The food is an explosion of flavors--both strong and mild--blended perfectly.

Palace Hop.

This is dedicate to the beautiful intricate designs adorning some of the palaces and temples in the city. For someone like me who is used to having a very earthen, simple style of interiors and architecture, this is really a jolt to the senses--but in a good way.


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